I was touch and go there for quite a while, but I survived!!! At one point I became delirious. I so regretted not getting that vaccine. Bad case of the flu? Nooo... it was that damn
app again!
You would think after my experience entering the fabric into it, I might have cut my losses, but nooo...
It took me almost the whole week to input my patterns. I only have 141--that isn't that many! Even after I lowered my expectations and contented myself with only recording the pattern company, number and 2 lousy photos, the app would crash at least twice with every pattern. One pattern (Burda 7583) caused the program to crash an amazing 11 times!! This app even caused me to say unkind words to my iPhone and I love that beautiful, marvelous, smart, practical device!!
I marvel at my patience, or bull-headedness. Now I know I have 141 patterns, half of which are so far unused, to go with the 74 pieces of fabric in my stash. Looks like I need more fabric! Really though, taking all the patterns out and looking at them did bring me to see things I hadn't before. That, combined with the fabric data should help find "candidates" (that's what I call patterns & fabrics that are suitable for each other) without having to rent a backhoe.
To anyone thinking about getting this app: Good Luck! Maybe all the heartache is worth it in the end.
I did squeeze in two quick projects this weekend:
another Audrey purse and a further tweak of the pattern. I'm calling this fabric Raspberry Weimaraner.
and this necklace. Cheep glass beads but I knotted them with silk ribbon, the kind used for embroidery. The knot color really pops.
I also read and studied this book in preparation for my upcoming pants making enterprise.
Hey, if I can make Sewing Kit HD work I'm sure I can make a damn pair of pants!!